About Us

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from The Father of lights, with who there is no variation or shadow of turning. James 1:17

I have been immersed in learning with The Lord Jesus since 2022, being healed, delivered, set free, and taught so many things that I want (& most importantly HE wants) me to share with you! The page is called Everything Under The Son because all things created give glory to God. He made the sun the 4th day, and all life on earth needs it and couldn't exist without it, just as He sent The Son (Jesus) the 4th day (4,000th year) and we couldn't have life without HIM. Jesus is The Way, The Truth, and The Life and ALL LIFE IS FOUND IN HIM!

God provided everything we need to be well physically, spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and a beautiful world to live in,but so much of The Truth has been hidden from us! Join me as He continues to awe and amaze me with His presence, knowledge, and His most perfect creation as The Holy Spirit reveals.

We need hope in this dark world, and The Truth will set you free, give you the hope, healing and peace you need and are looking for today. From our health needs, to being spiritually fed on The Word, and being able to represent our faith and creator in clothing and our daily lives, and being consecrated and set apart for Him.

There are so many misconceptions about God in man-made religion and misinformation, like did you know God's greatest desire is for a close, personal relationship with you, and you can talk to Him about anything. There have been so many lies in all areas in our lives, and I have experienced so much freedom out of chains and bondage, love and healing, as well as pure joy on this journey with our Lord. I want as many of His children as want to know, to learn and experience what I have with Him.

In Jeremiah 29:11 He says "For I know the plans I have for you", declares The Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future". In all ways and areas of our lives, He has great plans for us!! May God bless you, and give you His true peace, shalom, in Jesus, whose peace surpasses all understanding!